Friday, July 20, 2007

The most popular book in the library: facebook

I can certainly attest to the fact that Facebook is extraordinarily popular amongst today's university students. Wandering through the Queen's University Learning Commons on a daily basis, I would suggest that 1 in 3 students using computers are perusing Facebook, rather than article indexes, the catalogue, or even using MS Word. It makes me wonder whether or not the library should simply migrate its web services to Facebook. It certainly seems like a great avenue through which to reach students. Given that third parties can now develop applications for Facebook, it can't be long before an industrious librarian develops a catalogue search interface.

I really like the idea of using Facebook as a suggestion box for new acquisitions. I also think it would be a fantastic virtual reference tool--while it would probably be best to avoid posting questions on the Facebook wall, it is easy to send private messages. The library could easily post instructional materials on Facebook as well, via the notes application. There are now video applications as well, through which the library could post video tutorials. There is really a great deal of potential here.

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